The Flash woke up so tired! He almost puked because he was still sick from yesterday when a bad guy punched him in the stomach after he ate a lot of food. His superhero friends took him to his special superhero mansion that every superhero has. They're all the same colour, size, and shape, even the posters inside are exactly the same! Flash went to bed that night in his mansion and set his alarm for the next day.

Beeeeeeeeeep Beeeeeeeeeep - The Flash’s alarm woke him up and he was planning to put on his superhero suit to get ready for work. Then, he realized that he was super late for work so he went to the grocery store super fast to get some food. The guy he paid hadn’t even finished blinking before he was out of the store! On his way to work, Flash passed the zoo and saw he was running faster than a cheetah! When he passed the zoo, people saw him and started screaming,

And then he ran to a forbidden, abandoned hospital that was re-opening because his superhero friends told him that the Joker would be there and that he should meet them there. And when all the superheroes got to the abandoned hospital, they saw the Joker!
He was taking all the new supplies that the hospital needed to reopen. He took the medicine, the machines all the stuff that sick people need. All the superheroes were worried about the people that get sick or have concussions or break their knees or are about to die. They wanted to help them. Oh no! They saw that Joker was also taking the beds!

“STOP RIGHT THERE, JOKER!” Yelled Batman, he was standing at the front of all the superheroes, the rest were standing strong behind him in a V-shape.

And then Batman said:

The Flash immediately ran to a minion and ran around him in a circle so fast that the minion got dizzy. He punched him too.
Wonder woman grabbed her rope and quickly tied the Joker up to a chair.
Then they took him to the batmobile. Superman was doing backflips and daredevil stunts and Batman got angry because he was showing off and playing instead of fighting the minions. He wanted to kick him out of the squad. But then, something weird happened to Superman. He transformed and got all green then his face turned just like the jokers. He looked in the mirror that was close by and said:

And then, everybody was so mad, the Flash broke the whole building and took the rest of the superheroes with him and made Superman die.
Don’t worry Superman actually didn’t die, he still had superpowers. Do you know what he did instead? He freed his brothers and the minions!
Oh no! What happens next? Stay tuned for the next chapter!
Written by: Michael Gr 3