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Monthly Book Recommendations - April

Integra Youth

Welcome back to another installment of our series. This month we have three non fiction books we think you will enjoy.

Elementary - Nonfiction

At The Same Moment Around The World (Written And Illustrated By Clotilde Perrin)

Photo from Goodreads

Here is a short blurb about this book from Goodreads…

“Discover Benedict drinking hot chocolate in Paris, France; Mitko chasing the school bus in Sofia, Bulgaria; and Khanh having a little nap in Hanoi, Vietnam! Clotilde Perrin takes readers eastward from the Greenwich meridian, from day to night, with each page portraying one of (the original) 24 time zones. Strong back matter empowers readers to learn about the history of timekeeping and time zones, and to explore where each of the characters lives on the world map. A distinctive educational tool, this picture book's warm, unique illustrations also make it a joy to read aloud and admire.”

This book offers insight into the ways of life of kids around the globe. Young readers will enjoy reading about life in different countries and will be captivated by the unique illustrations this book has to offer. At The Same Moment Around The World teaches children about timezones in a fun and engaging manner.

Middle School - Nonfiction

How to turn $100 into $1,000,000 by James McKenna, Matt Fontaine, Jeannine Glista

Photo from Goodreads

Here is a short blurb about this book from Goodreads…

“Who doesn't want to be a millionaire?

Written for every kid and perfect for every parent who wants to raise a kid who’s smart, confident, and thrifty about money, How to Turn $100 into $1,000,000 is a practical, entertaining, and inspiring guidebook to earning, spending, and saving money.

The journey starts by teaching readers how to earn their first hundred dollars. The rest of the book sets them on course to a million bucks. From thinking like a millionaire: millionaires are people who save money, not people who spend it. To learning the ways to get money: ask for an allowance, get a job, start a business. To the potential pitfalls every millionaire encounters on the way: spending sprees, Ponzi schemes, and spending more than you make. Plus chapters on budgeting, saving, and investing.”

This fun and practical guidebook is a great pick for readers entering the world of money and economics. All kids are interested in money at one point or another. This guidebook makes it easy to learn about saving, investing, and budgeting. Parents will love this book for the lessons it teaches their children and kids will love this book for the knowledge it contains. Discussing ways to earn money and how to make it grow, this book is a must-read for every kid growing up in a world revolving around money.

Secondary School - Nonfiction

Flowers in the Gutter by K.R.Gaddy

Photo from Goodreads

Here is a short blurb about this book from Goodreads…

“Flowers in the Gutter is told from the points of view of Gertrude, Fritz, and Jean, three young people from working-class neighborhoods in Cologne, beginning with their pre-school years at the dawn of the Third Reich in the 1930s. Gaddy shows how political activism was always a part of their lives and how they witnessed first-hand the toll it took on their parents--and how they still carried the torch for justice when it was their turn.

Once the war began, Gertrude, Fritz, and Jean and their friends survived and even resisted in one of the most heavily bombed cities in Germany. Gaddy includes tense accounts of fights with Hitler Youth and the Gestapo, of disseminating anti-Nazi pamphlets, of helping POWs and forced laborers, and even of sabotaging Nazi factories.

Ultimately, the war ended tragically for several young pirates, and Gaddy shows how post-war politics and prejudices led to these young men and women being branded criminals for decades after the war.”

Flowers in the Gutter is a true story about teenagers who resisted the Nazis during World War II. In a time of nationalism and prejudices in Germany, a group of young adults fought against all odds to remain true to their beliefs. With historical photos and authentic retellings, this beautifully written story truly does justice to the issue it represents. This group of youth, called the Edelweiss Pirates, offer a source of inspiration to today’s youth through their bravery and resistance efforts. A nonfiction book about World War II marketed towards a younger audience, teens will devour this historical recount of heroic young adults who fought against oppression and stood up for what they believed in.

Written by: Nevadha M




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