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Integra Youth

Navigating Social Media

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Instagram. Snapchat. Youtube. The internet has provided us with tons of websites and games that we use everyday. For entertainment, for keeping in touch with friends, or even for research, I guarantee that you use social media every day. But even with all the good things social media has to offer, it is important to remember that there are many negative effects of social media.

Navigating social media, especially as you get older, becomes more and more difficult. There are new trends to try, new standards to meet, and more celebrities to look up to than ever before. Luckily, Integra Youth has compiled a guide for you all about navigating the vast world of social media.

What is social media and what can I use it for?

In simple terms, social media consists of websites and apps that you can use to make and share content (like photos and videos) or communicate in social networking (like texting).

When should I make an account on social media?

Most social media apps require you to be 13 before you make an account. I would recommend you wait until then before creating an account. However, when our friends all have social media, it can be tempting to use them as well. If you think you are ready to have your own social media account, talk to your parents about having them create one with you.

Here are some things to remember as you navigate the vast world of social media…

Be Secure!

Never reveal your private information on the internet. This sort of information, once given out, can get into the wrong hands very easily. Here are some things to avoid sharing online…

  • Full name

  • Date of birth

  • Address

  • Full names of family members or friends

  • School name

Remember to beware of strangers. People on the internet can take on false identities in order to gain your trust. This is probably something your parents are worried about. Only message and share things with people who you personally know. This means people whose faces you have seen!

Kindness and Avoiding Conflict

This is a big topic with social media. It is important to treat people online the same as you would in real life, with kindness and respect. If you wouldn’t want someone saying something to you, don’t say it to other people.

Photo from Unsplash

Always pause and think before you text or post something on social media. Would you care if your parents saw this? Your teachers? The police?

The internet is forever. Once it’s up there, there’s no taking it back. Even if something seems to have been deleted, it can always be retrieved.

Here are some key questions to ask yourself when on social media that can help you be kinder and more aware…

  • Am I being kind?

  • Am I typing something that could be taken the wrong way?

  • Do I have permission to share this photo/video?

  • Am I trying to hurt someone else by doing this?

  • Is this something that I could regret in the future?

Cyberbullying is bullying that occurs through electronic means, like texting and posting. Social media is often a breeding ground for cyberbullying due to the false sense of anonymity that it brings. Like with in-person bullying, cyberbullying can really hurt. It’s important to know when to reach out for help. Please remember to reach out to a trusted adult if you are being targeted online. While it may seem scary, it is the best way to solve the problem. You deserve to be happy and go on social media target-free!

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

While social media entertains you, allows you to socialize, and helps you discover new things, there can also be some downsides to using social media. A few of them are listed below.

  • Higher rates of depression and anxiety in preteens and teens

  • Lowered self esteem

  • Increased feelings of isolation

  • Increased risks of cyberbullying

Photo from Unsplash

This all sounds a little scary. As you get older, it becomes more and more important to take care of your mental health. After all, you only get one brain. You should treat it well.

But does this mean you can’t use social media? Of course not! All this means is that you have to be a little careful. Here are some ways you can ensure that you have the most positive social media experience possible.

  1. Set a limit. Social media is great, but not if you spend so much time on it that it takes over your life. Try setting a limit to when you use social media. Maybe you can only use it for a certain amount of time a day. Maybe you don’t bring your device inside your bedroom. If you find that you check your device excessively, you can try turning off your notifications. While this might all seem a little tedious, monitoring your time on social media allows you to be happier in the long run.

  2. Find other hobbies too. All too often, teens and even preteens use social media so much it could be considered their hobby, And that’s okay! But it is important to have other interests too, so that you can take a break when needed. If you find that you’re on your device far too often, turn it off and try something else. Play or hang out with a friend. Create some art or make a craft. Read a book or go on a walk. Social media may be fun, but oftentimes, life can be a whole lot funner!

  3. Choose the right role models. Social media is a great way to explore and find new role models. Perhaps it's someone’s content who you enjoy or maybe they teach a valuable skill. But remember to choose the right role models. If someone’s content makes you feel bad or insecure, unfollow them. Only follow and interact with people who make you happy.

  4. Remember that social media is not always the truth. It can be easy to believe that everything you see on social media is the truth. But that is usually not the case. Social media is usually a highlight reel that contains someone’s best moments and memories. You shouldn’t compare you at your worst to them at their best. Most posts you see on social media are carefully selected and posed so that people can appear the way they want others to see them. Feel free to enjoy these posts, but remember that they are not a reflection of reality.

There you have it! A beginner’s guide to navigating the fascinating world of social media. Social media can be fun and engaging, as long as you are careful. Be secure and be mindful but don’t forget to have fun too. So, what are you waiting for? Go explore!

Written by Nevadha M



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